Latif Serhildan
If you turn on any western TV station, whether it is BBC, RTE, Euro News, CNN, Sky News, or Aljazeera, all you will see the news about the rebels in Bengasi closing in against the dictator Muammer Kaddafi, that the rebels are in Tripoli etc, every single move that is happening in Libya is being reported in all around the world at the moment. Then further you watch these stations you will also find the comments, commentators commenting about the Kaddafi. How he should be punished in The Hague Criminal Court because he has committed atrocities against his own population.
Now this article is not about Kaddafi or Libya, it is about the Western media’s hypocrisy of reporting the war to the people in the west. My difficulty with that is ok to report wars etc, but what I don’t understand is why turning blind eye to the current war that Turkey and Iran is waging against the Kurds in South Kurdistan (Northern Iraq).
More than 3 months ago Iranian Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), army, intelligence, invaded south Kurdistan in pursuit to wipe out Kurdish rebels, the PJAK, Free Life Party of Kurdistan. In this invasion Iranians were defeated badly the old Kurdish phrase (Suvar hat Paye cu), It means they left with their tails under neat in hurry. During these offspring invasion none of these TV station thought that was news worthy of covering it, reporting it. I wonder if that is anything to do with the Western government agency will not get any gas or oil deals with Kurdish rebels? One wonders about that. It seems the Western companies; their government has already made deals with the so called rebels in Libya. Like vultures they have already began to do business with these people before even Kaddafi’s departure.
How ironic that last week Turkish warplanes bombarded south Kurdistan more than 24 hours non stop, a family of 12 innocent civilians were blown up by these war planes, amongst them 5 children 6 months old baby, pregnant mother, father, sisters, brothers, uncles. Entire family was blown in to small pieces like mince. The photos of these children were not even news worthy in the western, US media. If these families were killed by Kaddafi forces, every single TV in the World would have shown these images every hour on the hour to dehumanise the Kaddafi regime.
No commentators ever mention that in the western TV stations. Not even single person stood up and said Erdogan the Turkish premier should be brought to Hague, International criminal court. After all Erdogan’ folder is full of crimes against humanity. Worse than Kaddafi, Erdogan has more than 2 thousands Kurdish youths in prison today because they throw stones to police vehicles during demonstrations; more than 10 thousands Kurdish political activists are prison more than 3 years with out any charge because they are members of Kurdish political parties in Turkey. He has given orders for police to shoot and kill anyone in the streets demonstrating for peaceful Kurdish settlement. Many innocent civilians Kurds, children, women were shot or gassed by the Turkish police forces under the leadership of Erdogan.
In spite of all these atrocities Turkish premier goes to Somalia and portray himself as some kind of humanitarian man that he wants to help the poor people of Somalia, he also tried to show to the world that he cared about Palestinian people when he was arguing with Israeli Prime minister. No he does not care about the people of Somalia, or Libya or Palestine; he still buys and sells arms to Israel as usual. No one should be fooled by this man’s image after all he has Islamic agenda that in middle East you can raise to power if you use the name Islam, then you can do whatever you want. Like Iran it is called Islamic Republic of Iran, In the name of that religion they committed thousands of atrocities. It is Erdogan, Ahmadinijad that the West should go after not only Kaddafi, Please stop lying about the war in Libya. It is about the oil, gas, not the Human rights. We all know you don’t give damn about human Rights.