Turkish warplanes bomb Zap region

Erdogan_WarplanesZAP, — Besides the ongoing intensive aerial attacks in Federal Kurdistan Region, the Turkish warplanes are reported to have been bombing the Zap region yesterday.

People’s Defense Forces (HPG-BIM) Press Office has reported that the air strikes of the Medya Defence Regions have continued since 17 August.

Remarking that Chiyaresh, Zeve, Sarke Villages, Rubar Hill and Baluka Bridge in Zap were bombed by Turkish warplanes from 13:00 to 14:00 on August 25, HPG-BIM reported no casualties among the ranks of the guerrilla forces during the attacks.

The statement said that another bombardment was carried on with Cobra type helicopters in the Siwara Bene, Silsido and Mile Hene areas in Cukurca district of Hakkari from 17:00 to 18:00 of 25 August.

HPG-BIM also notified that nine construction workers were detained by the guerrilla forces in Agri, giving the following information;

“One vehicle was burnt down and nine workers were detained by our guerrilla forces in a work site raided on 25 august in Sindo village of Agri province. Workers have been released on 26 August (this morning) after being questioned by our guerrillas.”