Kurdish political prisoners in Bijar jail on hunger strike

Bijar_jailBIJAR, – Iran, — Four Kurdish political prisoners who were transferred from Meriwan to Bijar Prison have been on hunger strike sine 25th July.

After a fight and physical confrontation among the prisoners and the prison officials of Meriwan jail on 25th July, 8 prisoners were heavily beaten up by the officials. Consequently four of them were taken to Qurwe prison and the other four to Bijar detention.

According to Kurdpa News, the four prisoners taken to Bijar prison named as Hesen Axter Semend, Zekerya Xuda Kerimzade, Seywan Batube, and Fershad Kemangir have been on hunger strike for the last two weeks and they are not allowed to have family visit or telephone conversation.