Another Halabja is happening in Kurdistan!

kurdoKurdo Challi

In a statement and pointing to the disaster that is currently happening in Kurdistan the Assembly of Green Mountain said, “From the mountain we appeal to the ethical and awakened conscience mind of the world, we want to highlight that thousand hectors of land and forests in Meriwan region in eastern Kurdistan are burning”.

The statement point also to the extinction of thousand of small and big species, hundred types of trees and grasses are burning every minute.

“We urgently appeal to your help, this is an unethical and inhumane atrocity; this is a historical atrocity to the nature, which we all as human beings are responsible to stop it. This tragedy will have impact on all humans’ beings; it will be a black spot in human-kind history.”

The statement goes on by adding “Our low voices are not reaching to the international public. We urge people not to be silent in the face of such a crime and show their responsibility: not to standby and stop the extinction of our forests, our country is torn by wars. Country of smoke! Country of razed to the ground, ruins country of ashes. Please raise your voice and support our voice, we can make different together!

“We are as the Assembly of Green Mountains in Meriwan, declaring that, we don’t have power and we are helpless regarding this atrocity. The mother nature of earth is our first and the last shelters to our life. We demand you; we don’t want to see anymore that we are burning our cradle by our own hands.”

The following is the statistics of forest burning in Meriwan and Sro Abad in 2011, which are recorded by the Assembly of Green Mountain.

  1. Forests around Wasna village, 17 Km southeast of Meriwan, 7 hectares of land burned on7/06/2011.
  2. Forests around Sawa village, 23 km North West of Meriwan, and 500 Km2 burned, on 9/06/2011.
  3. 3. Forests around Balk village, 14 Km south of Meriwan, 4 hectares of land lost on 9/06/2011.
  4. Forests around Balk village, 14 Km south of Meriwan, 100Km2 of land lost, on 10/06/2011.
  5. Forests around Bikara village, 2o Km south of Meriwan 5 hectares of land lost. On 13/06/2011.
  6. Forest around Negl village 63 Km east of Meriwan city 5 hectares of land burned on 13/06/2011.
  7. Forests around Wasne village 17Km south east Meriwan 10 hectares of land burned on 14/06/2011.
  8. Forest around Wasne Village 17Km south east of Meriwan, 2 hectare of land burned on 15/06/2011.
  9. Forest around Negl village 63Km east of Meriwan 500km2 burned on 15/06/2001.
  10. Forests around Rashadi village, 5Km from Meriwan City, 5 hectares of land lost on 16/06/2011.
  11. Forests around (Daneshgahe Payam Noor) University of Payam Noor, 2 Km outside of Meriwan city. 950Km2 of land lost on 16/06/2011.
  12. Forests around Chwar Bakh District lost 1 hectares of land on 18/06/2011.
  13. Forest around Chawg village, 2Km north of Meriwan, 4 hectares of land burned on 18/06/2011.


The local people have seen in various instances that the Turkish and Iranian army set fire on the forests in Kurdistan. This is one of the most inhuman acts of the occupying powers of Kurdistan, setting fire and destroying the nature of Kurdistan. This is against the rule and ethic of war. They regard the Kurdish legitimate struggle for democracy and freedom and ‘terrorism’, but this is them, who are terrorists. Setting fires on the forests of Kurdistan is purely the act of terrorism, intimating and terrorising the local Kurds and destroying the jungles and the species of the forests. The occupying powers of Kurdistan must strop restoring to such acts of terrorism now! Such acts would not deter the Kurds from pursuing their demands for freedom and liberty but they would only generate hatred among the Kurds toward the occupiers.