Support to Dicle by worldwide known names

hatip-dicleCAMPAIGN, — Among the people who have supported the Kurdish MP Hatip Dicle is Prof. Noam Chomsky, Professor. Dr. Michael Gunter, author Margaret Owen and Professor. Dr. Norman Peach, worldwide known names demanded the revoke of Hatip Dicle’s parliamentary mandate.

The signers of the ‘Declaration of solidarity with Hatip Dicle’ whose membership in the parliament was stripped of by the Supreme Election Board (YSK), declare their solidarity with the elected independent candidate of the Labour, Democracy and Freedom Block, Mr. Hatip Dicle – and call on the Supreme Electoral Board of Turkey (YSK) – and other responsible bodies – to reverse the decision to revoke his parliamentary mandate immediately.

The signature text notes that the BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) and Labour, Democracy and Freedom Block are an important representation for Turkey’s democratization and a peaceful solution of the Kurdish problem and says; “The revoke of Hatip Dicle’s parliamentary membership is a significant step towards the democratic demands of the Kurdish people, Turkey’s democratization and stabilization of the country.”

Some of the signers of the campaign express their opinions as follows;

Dr. Joey Moses (Advocate of the High Court of South Africa and Chair of the National Association of democratic Lawyers, Western Cape, South Africa);

“Following the approval of Hatip Dicle’s candidacy for the elections and his being elected through democratic ways, the approach towards Hatip Dicle’s voters, which hindered Dicle’s entering the parliament, is wrong and regrettable. This situation is contrary to international law, as well as to Turkey’s constitution and democracy which give Dicle the right to represent his voters in the parliament. Dicle’s parliamentary membership should immediately be revoked to enable him get this representment.”

Frieda Brepoels (Member of the European Parliament for Flanders, Greens/EFA Member);

“Turkey is a country with different societies whom it should accord their rights. There is still no solution to the Kurdish Question seen on the horizon despite the numerous demands of the European Parliament. Only with the recognition of all rights of Kurdish citizens can Turkey progress in the way to a constructive democracy.”

Prof. Kariane Westrheim (Chair European Union Turkey Civic Commission);

“The EU Turkey Civic Commission EUTCC calls Turkey’s Supreme Electoral Board to revoke the decision to strip off Hatip Dicle of his legal membership which he won through legal ways. This is an arbitrary decision taken at a bad time against not only Hatip Dicle but also all Kurdish people.”

Faizel Moosa (Chief Executive Officer of “Struggle Veterans’ Action Commitee of South Africa” which represents the veterans of the liberation struggle formed against the apartheid regime in South Africa);

“On behalf of all freedom-lovers and people who formerly experienced oppression in my country, in South Africa, I put my signature under the call for solidarity with Hatip Dicle. As our Mabida (Nelson Mandela) said; “Your fight for freedom is at the same time our fight, just like the struggle for freedom and democracy given for all the oppressed people in the world. All fights are for the humanity.”

Some of the signatories of the campaign are as follows; Professor. Noam Chomsky, Prof. Dr. Michael Gunter from America, Prof Dr. Latif Waid from England, Prof. Dr. Norman Peach, Prof. Dr. Rudolph Bauer, Prof. Dr. Georg Auernheimer from Germany, Prof. Kariane Westrheim from Norway, European Parliamentarians Sarah Ludford, Frieda Brepoels, Jürgen Klute, Gabriele Zimmer, former AP Vice President Luisa Morgantini from Italy, International PEN Vice President Lucina Kathmann from Mexico, German parliament members Jan van Aken, Harald Weinberg, Sabine Leidig, Heidrun Dittrich, Ingrid Remmers, Andej Hunko, Ulla Jelpke, Sevim Dagdelen, Switzerland Amnesty International Turkey Coordinator Maya Heuschmann, NADAL Chair Dr. Joey Moses from South Africa, former Copenhagen Mayor from Denmark, Journalist Manuel Martorell from Spain, Journalist Edgar Auth from Germany, INSAF representative Wilfred Dcosta from India, author Margaret Owen from the UK.

The call, signatures and information about the campaign can be read at the website