KCK on General Elections of Turkey

KCK_LeadershipDEFENCE REGIONS OF MEDYA, — Kurdistan’s Democratic Confederation (KCK) has published a statement commenting on the 12 June elections in North Kurdistan and Turkey.

“The results of the general elections, which were crucial in terms of democratization of Turkey and finding a solution of Kurdish question, have revealed serious political consequences”, says the statement.

“Despite the election thresholds, political genocide, military operations perpetrated by the AKP government, and the pressures to intimidate society, the Kurdish people and democratic forces have come out of the elections with a victory” continues the statement.

“This success, achieved by women and young people leading the liberation and democracy struggle of Kurdish people and powers of democracy in Turkey, is a strong declaration of the will-power for a the solution to the problems of Turkey”, adds the statement.

In this sense, according the KCK,” the 12th June elections led the society to focus on the solution of the Kurdish question as well as the democratization of Turkey, rather than merely being an election of power. For this reason, the election results express political and social consequences that have to be analysed in many respects”.

The Labour, Liberation and Democracy Bloc have entered the elections with very clear demands. The KCK said the demands are: “Elimination of all the obstacles for leader Abdullah Ocalan to actively play his role in the solution of Kurdish question and making a concrete progress in the process of negotiations. Second; preparation of a new democratic constitution through the participation of all sections of society is viable. Third: bringing a solution to the Kurdish question through the project of democratic autonomy. Fourth; the establishment of a democratic solution by the people based on their power in case of the failure of democratic channel.

The KCK also states that the “people have said ‘yes’ to the social project, which contains these demands, in the person of candidates of the bloc. By demanding an ‘immediate solution’, they have demonstrated the fact that the state and government have to put the urgent action plan into practice in order to stop the bloodshed”.

Assessing the balcony speech by Prime Minister Erdogan on the evening of 12 June, the KCK notes that it “did not include any clear and concrete message in answer to the demands of our people in a manner that eliminates the lack of solution and ends the policies of annihilation. His speech, which was mostly expected and general, indicated the continuity of usual policies. Despite some emphasis on the constitution, it did not give any indications as to the solution of the Kurdish question.”

“It is obvious – adds the KCK – that the Kurdish question, which is utterly urgent as the fundamental priority of Turkey, cannot be subjected to prevarication through the general language of ‘peace and fraternity’”.