International delegations assessment on electoral violations

arrestNORTH KURDISTAN, — The international delegation for the observation of the election of 12 June has issued their first observations. According to their observation, election violation was witnessed in many provinces and the violations increased in districts and villages.

While the observer Canadian delegation in Mus wrote in their first observation that police officers didn’t leave their guns while giving their votes, the Italian delegation in Dersim recorded that old voters weren’t allowed to receive any help from their family members. It was noted that polling clerks caused troubles to citizens and didn’t let press take photos in Ovacık/Dersim.


The Norwegian delegation in Siirt wrote on the first observation report that voting was prevented in Ekindüzü Village and poll observers interfered the case when a person wanted to vote instead of everyone. According to initial observations of the Danish delegation in Pervari/Siirt, several soldiers were sitting with guns beside a poll in Dügümcüler Village (Gunde Best). It was recorded that the observing delegation’s members were taken out by constraint and a discussion was lived between the soldiers and the delegation members.


The observing German delegation in Van wrote on the first observation report that the observers were not allowed in the voting places by the governor and gave instruction announcement to police officers. It was recorded that poll observers were beaten and some people were taken into custody in Van centre. One of the delegations in Van said that police officers continually broke the 15-meter rule.


Making observations in Bitlis, Adilcevaz, Güzelsu, Yoğurtyemez and Porhuz, the German delegation recorded that the delegation members in Yogurtyemez were forcibly taken out of voting classes and prevented by Gendarmerie just after. While the delegation in Bitlis wrote that there was an unsealed poll and the delegation was not allowed to take photos at Imam Hatip High School, the delegation recorded that some police officers didn’t give their votes where they were registered to. According to the first impressions of the delegation, the situation in villages is no different. It was noted that people in Müzik ve Yukarıkaraboy villages were made to vote in mass and they were inculcated to vote for AKP.


The observing German delegation in Hakkari recorded that AKP members tried cast their votes with false voting papers but they were prevented by poll observers and the delegation.


The French delegation in Erzurum wrote that the district police chief and civilian police officers taped the observers, while some observers were even followed and threatened by police officers that they will be taken into custody in case of entering the voting classes. Observers noted that they managed to enter in only two schools as all their attempts were prevented by police.


The German delegation in Sirnak and Güclükonak district noted that they were blocked in many regions, while five Turkish citizens from Iran were not allowed to give their votes and 20 names were added to a voter list.


The English delegation in Bingol and villages recorded that a gendarmerie commander sat by the poll in Saban village, while the delegation in another village prevented the attempt of a village-head to give vote on behalf of the entire village.


The Austrian delegation in Urfa and Siverek underlined that Gendarmeries applied pressure on citizens in Bejik village of Siverek and a person in Uzunziyaret village intended to give a vote on behalf of the entire village.


According to the report of the Swedish delegation in Mardin, some poll clerks tried to pull votes for the AKP, saying that Muslims should vote for this party. And some people with AKP badges tried to apply pressure on citizens to vote for the AKP.


The German delegation in Antep recorded that poll clerks inspired voters to vote for the AKP while the delegation members were interfered by police trying to question some members of the delegation.