Iranian soldiers killed another Kurdish worker

pasdarEAST KURDISTAN, — Iranian soldiers killed another Kurdish worker on the junction of Urmiye, Neghede and Mihabad, report said today.

Mehmud Mistefanijad came under the open fire of the Iranian soldiers in the road junction of Urmiye, Neghede and Mihabad, and he died on the spot.

The Iranian regime is working to black list the Kurdish resistance movement led by Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK), but this the Kurdish people who have been subjected to the state-terror of Iranian Mullah Regime.

Mehmud Mistefanijad from the city of Shino had no guilt, he was not a “terrorist”, and he had family to whom he had commitments. He was making the living for his family, but was shot dead by the Iranian soldiers.

Kurdish people are deprived of their very basic national and human rights. They even do not have access to decent employment and impoverished as a result of that.

Systematic and severely consistent unemployment of the Kurdish people who are regarded as “separatist” and “terrorist” by the state, forced hundreds to Kurds to work on the borders carrying goods into the country.

Iranian Revolutionary Guards and the soldiers have shot many Kurdish workers dead.