Weblog writer arrested in Kirmashan

kirmashanKIRMASHAN, East Kurdistan, — Within the context of escalating pressure on the Kurdish civil and political activists, a weblog writer was arrested by Kirmashan Intelligent Service.

Zara Gulkar a weblog writer and a political activist was summoned by Kirmashan Intelligent Service on Saturday 27th May. Mss Gulkar attended the office of Intelligent Service and was arrested upon her arrival.

It should be noted that the Iranian regime has put an increasing pressure on the human right activists to take stance against the Kurdish Resistance Movement led by Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK).

Iranian Intelligent Service arrest and tortures the Kurdish civil activists pressuring them to support the government in their fight against PJAK.

One of the Human Rights activists and the weblog writers who was arrested and pressured under torture to make anti-PJAK propaganda was Jamal Rehmani.

In his weblog (jamalkurd.blogfa.com) Mr Rehmani writes: By employing the Human Right activists, Iran has started a special war against PJAK. They arrest the political and human rights activists and urge them to cooperate with regime against this movement.

He adds, “I was arrested in my bedroom in Esfahan University and while detained they tortured and asked for my cooperation making anti-PJAK propaganda.”

He said that if you refuse to cooperate with the regime, you stay in prison and be subjected to horrendous tortures and miss-treatments. “The only condition for release is your cooperation with the regime against PJAK,” Rehmani elaborated.

“They knew that I was a weblog writer, they asked me to write against PJAK and urge the Kurdish students not to join the guerrillas’ ranks. They threatened to kill my brother if I don’t cooperate and refuse to write against PJAK,” he concluded.

In the light of the evidences, this is highly likely that Mss Zara would also be pressured to work against PJAK as the only condition for her release.