Kurdish Language prohibited

URMIE, Eastern Kurdistan, — Kurdish Journalists from Urmie are not allowed to speak in their mother tongue any more.

Kurdish journalists and the staffs who are working for Urmie’s Media have spoken Kurdish with the local people and have also written their reports in Kurdish; however, the chief of Urmie’s Media have proclaimed that “from this moment on, nobody is allowed to speak in Kurdish”. He added, “for writing the reports and programmes, journalists must use Farsi and some who are not familiar with Farsi language must be fired from their work’.

Consequently, the Kurdish community in the region protested against this decision and this has caused AZARI (another ethnic group who live in Iran) to join the Kurds and protest against this unfair and inhuman decision.

The Iranian classic and malicious dictatorship is trying all methods to suppress the Kurds and never listened to their demands. They are not even prepared to hear the word “Kurd, or Kurdish distinct culture”; worse they label the Kurds as terrorists and separatists!