Remzi Kartal welcomes decision on Kosovo

After UN judges ruled that Kosovo’s unilateral secession declaration in 2008 had not broken international law the discussions started whether the ruling can be precedent for other peoples and nations seeking independence or autonomy.


In addition to Serbia Kosova’s independence was not recognised by Russia, China, India, Greece and Spain who are also dealing with secession demands in their own territories.


The ruling from the International Court of Justice concerns not only Kosovo but also other nations like Basque, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Cyprus and Kurdistan federal region in Iraq.


The leader of Abkhazia that de facto seceded from Georgia, Sergey Bagapsh stated that the court’s ruling has once again approved Abkhazia and South Ossetia’s right to self-governance. He also said Pandora’s Box has been opened now.


Chair of the Kurdistan National Congress (Kongra Gel) Remzi Kartal welcoming the court’s decision in favour of secession said the ruling will be a precedent and pave the way for other people seeking independence.


“When the conditions for the people to live together have ceased to exist and human tragedy occurred then the right to secession is legitimate. What the Serbs did in Kosovo was this.” added Remzi Kartal.


“The ruling is in favour of the Kurdish demands”


Regarding the Kurdish demands for autonomy in Turkey president of Kongra Gel said: “Kurds are the one who have faced injustice and have been ignored at most on the international level. Since the Treaty of Lausanne their existence has been denied. Kurds have been the victims of the inter-states interest balances. What Kurds are demanding now is to live with Turks under a democratic constitution under equal conditions. The ruling on Kosovo will contribute Kurdish demands for autonomy.”


Kartal further stated that it is also interesting that Turkey is one of the first countries who recognised the independence of Kosovo.


“Kurds have the right to secession”


Kartal stated that in a period in which Kosovo’s independence was found legitimate by the ICJ Kurds are to declare autonomy. He further added they are in favour of living together with Turkey as long as this life in equal, free and fair. Otherwise, if the violence continues and the Kurdish problem remains unsolved than the Kurds may exercise their right to secession.


“Legal Remedies open to Kurds”


Kartal also stated that while Turkey is considering the Kurdish demands for democratic rights as ‘terror’ the court’s ruling indicates that self-determination demands are lawful and not terror.


Kartal further stated that depending on Turkey’s approach in solving the Kurdish problem the Kurds will resort legal remedies open to them at the UN level and other international bodies.


“More rights to the Kurds can prevent secession demands”


“Turkey is the first country who recognised Kosovo’s independence. Turkey is also defending the right to secession of the Cypriot Turks. However, it is ignoring the Kurds. Now Turkey has to decide, whether it will respond Kurdish demands for peace and more rights with wars, massacres and genocide or recognise more rights. Turkey cannot continue like this.” added Kartal.


Kartal also said that Turkey should get rid of its secession-phobia and if it denies the Kurdish rights then the Kurds will separate from Turkey. To prevent secession Turkey should give more right to its Kurdish population.