Blatant violation of human rights in Iran

Iran — Human Right Organisations have recently announced that Iranian regime has violated human right since July by the minimum of 2359 just in less than a month.

Each year the Iranian Authorities have violated human rights of various groups such as national, workers, students, religion except Shia’h (a branch or group of Islam and official religion in Iran), prisoners, teachers, women, journalists and children with different excuses.

The report demonstrates that since this month (July) Iranian regime has violated the human rights of more than 182 workers, 324 students, and 121 political and social activists, issuing 29 executions which done by Iranian courts, 44 the worst torturing of prisoners. Furthermore, at least 9 times shooting civil which many times cost the people’s live, 178 times imprisonments and ignorance of minorities, 92 times imprisonments of religious people, 20 executions which one was in public, cutting 6 prisoners’ hands for stealing have been mentioned in the report.

In addition hundreds of people have been arrested and more than 4 Baluch were injured after an explosion which was happened in Zahidan a city in Baluchistan, 32 teachers have fired in Bahashti university of Tehran, 4 were exiled by Iranian authorities and Basij raped a girl in Tabriz.

The human right organisations declared that the report has just illustrated a few parts of the violation of human rights in Iran at this month.