The issues of Iranian nations are the fundamental crisis in Iran

TEHRAN, Iran – Mir Hussein Mosawy, a defiant candidate of 10th election in Iran, has stated that the issues of Iranian nations are the biggest problem in Iran.

According to Kalime website, an official website of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mir Hussein Mosawy during his meeting with some Islamic teachers Association has mentioned the recent explosion which occurred in Baluchistan and stated that “forcibly silencing people is not the solution.”

Mosawy continued by asking a question and posed that “is not that better if we pay more attention to the Iranian nations such as the Kurds, Baluches, Azeries, and Arabs and discus with them to find out a solution to the country’s problem rather than only concentrating on International relations?”

He also stated that a country with 70 million people should be managed by whole nations in the country not only by a few people just from a single nation!

Mosawy has linked the administrating of current Iranian government with the ways of Stalin, the former Russian dictator, and alleged: “Soviet union had claimed to have the most liberal people in the world. In addition, the current Iranian Government is also pretending of providing freedom for its people; however, I need to warn them that either they need to reshape the way they think or the Iranian regime has serious mental problems.”

Mir Hussein Mosawy has seriously criticised Iranian policy for the reason of ignoring the other nations in Iran and remind them an excessive outrage of the Kurdish nation in all parts of Kurdistan, Asian countries and especially European countries against executing four Kurdish political activists in Evin’s prison on 9th May 2010.

On 9th May 2010 five political prisoners were executed four of whom were Kurds and named Farzad Kemanger, Ferhad Wekili, Shirin Alam Holi, Ali Hederyan and a Baloch whose name was Mehdi Islamyan.