Khatemi: Iranian authorities must not do whatever they want

TEHRAN, Iran, – The Iranian former president, Muhammad Khatemi stated that the Islamic governments should not govern countries and have control over people by force.

According to Kalime website, an official website of Islamic republic of Iran, Khatemi, the former Prime Minister of Iran before Ahmadi Nejad, alleged that none of the prophets and the Imams (Islamic Saints) had compulsory and totalitarian leadership over their believers. He continued and said, “Neither Prophet Muhammad, nor Imam Ali did not impose their leadership to the public and had always sought people’s satisfaction from the outset. In addition, none of the real Islam representatives have had unlimited control over people.”

He critically criticised the current Iranian government and in regard to the cruel behaviour of Iranian authorities alleged: “if the bad manners be from the authorities and some who have the power, then it is the worst situation.”

Khatemi pleaded to the Ahmadi Nejad and Khamenay’s government and said: “we need to have attention to the requests of people and demand the people in power to respect people’s demands. Also, we as the ordinary people need to force the government to behave according to the law and the rules of the country and do not let authorities do whatever they want”.