The Defence Regions of Medya- Qendil Mountains: An academy of Politics named Shahid Akif has been inaugurated by PJAK (Free Life Party of Kurdistan). The academy’s aim is to create revolutionary intellectual cadres to undertake the burdensome obligation of the current revolutionary stage and to achieve the Kurdish goals.
In the first conference of PJAK held in 12th April 2010, the decision for the formation of political science academy in Qendil Mountains was announced.
In the inauguration of the academy, PJAK stressed the importance of having an educating place as such, since it would enable PJAK’s members to target their aims in the Eastern Kurdistan.
They added that well-educated people are required as they can play important roles for the achievement of freedom in Kurdistan.
PJAK also mentioned that’ Kurdish enemies have always been afraid of the ways we think and thus our youngsters should see studying as the foundation of their lives. In addition our national leader Mr Abdulla Ocalan has also insisted on opening academies for the Kurds everywhere’.
At the end PJAK sees the academy as an important tool in changing the imposed ideas which have inculcated on the Kurds. They state that Kurdish enemies have attempted in changing the Kurdish personalities into the ones they want but have always failed and now with this academy they will never achieve their dreams.
PJAK paid reverence to their executed martyrs Farzad, Shirin, Farhad and Ali; pledging to always keep them alive in the Shahid Akif’s academy as Akif was a real hero in Kurdish history as well.
The Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) was founded in 2004 as the result of the systematic and continuous oppression of the Kurdish nation by the Iranian government. PJAK upholds the libertarian ideology of Apoism which advocates an ecological-democratic society with gender equality. PJAK’s main goal is to democratise Iranian system and to create a democratic con-federation for the long- oppressed Kurds.
Its initial objective is to limit and change the authority of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to democratise it in four fundamental areas; the nation, society, citizenship and to evolve the state into a self-governing institution able to deliver public services and to maintain public security.
For the past 6 years PJAK has been the most influential organisation of the Kurdish population in the Eastern Kurdistan and has the strongest popular support in this part of the Kurdistan. Three particular dynamics forces namely women, students and the youths have been increasingly joining PJAK with the aims of transforming their society. Women constitute more than 48% PJAK’s membership from the bottom to the leadership of the organisation.