The conference of the Labour Party from 25th-29th September 2021 in Brighton city was performed.
Among the conference several panels were performed such as the Kurdish affair in the future of the Eastern Kurdistan, solidarity for RojAva, self-governing of the Kurds Democratic, freedom for Ocalan by the Central Kurdish Progress and the Labour Party Office of the Middle East.
On this basis, the representatives of KJAR (The East Kurdistan Free Woman Society) and PJAK (the Kurdistan Free Life Party) and the National Congress have presented a speech to the political, women, the environment situations of the Eastern Kurdistan and the policies of the Iranian execution regime, in a special panel, and they have responded to the participants’ queries.
The PJAK representative mentioned that the Kurdish affair in Iran and the Eastern Kurdistan is connected to the events in all four parts of Kurdistan, and especially the Lausanne Agreement. He also stated that the isolation of Leader APO, the Turkish attacks on the West and the South are being affected on the Kurds’ affairs in the Eastern Kurdistan.
The representative of KJAR has stated the lack of the women’s rights’ circumstances in the Eastern Kurdistan and Iran, particularly depriving the woman’s role in the society.
It is worth mentioning that the five-day conference of the Labour Party focused on several issues, including human rights, the importance of the environment, people’s freedom, the rights of workers and women.
According to these affairs in the future, these can have an impact on the changes in Britain and the world. This significant to remark that on the sidelines of the conference a special panel was performed for the release of Ocalan.
The panel was moderated by the Joint-Chair of the Ocalan Campaign, Mr. Simon Dobbins. The panel, which was performed and participated by the most representatives of the Labour Party, the Sinn Féin Party, the Syndicates representatives, Anarchists and the Left wings, demanded the release of Mr. Ocalan.
HevaL Mehri

As a representative of the Kurdish National Congress, which is the congress of all parties, organisation and representatives in Kurdistan, I have been invited to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton in the UK. I proudly have presented a speech as below, on the current ecological crisis in the Eastern Kurdistan and Human Rights violations by the Islamic Republic regime of Iran.
These invitations, such from the Labour Party are potentially supportive, for all organisations and parties. The invitations create the opportunities of the relationships with the Labour Party, and then widespread such communication via the Labour Party to the other parties, organisation and the public opinions, which make them to be most updated aware of the Kurdistan and Iran.
We anticipate the other political parties, human right and civil organisations would considerate of such as the Labour Party’s invitations in the future.
Mehri Rezai
Firstly, I would like to thank the Labour Party for inviting me and my two colleagues here today. The Kurdish population often find themselves without a platform to speak on. As such, their struggle and the continuous threat of genocide, do not gain attention toa situation that must be heard.
In the UK and across the globe, Kurds inhabit and participate in the biosphere. A small area of the ecosystem in the Middle East, will certainly impact the ecosystem here and elsewhere in the world.
We cannot afford to ignore an entire continent because it is too much of a challenge.
One of the greatest environmental disasters happening in the Middle East right now is water shortage. While it plays a huge role in hostile relations and conflict in the Middle East, it hardly features in Western analyses of the region’s geo-political difficulties. Instead, the region’s conflicts are only considered through the lens of religion and energy resources.
Of course, these two subjects are of great interest to the West, primarily due to the links to global terrorism and to the West’s energy security.
However, the water shortage is a ticking time bomb; many studies have shown that ecocide can be a method of genocide. If for example, environmental destruction results in conditions of life that fundamentally threaten a social group’s cultural and/or physical existence. Water shortages and the resulting conflicts could produce a wave of refugees. This will lead to human suffering on an unimaginable scale, potentially leading to regional war, state collapse, and destabilising regions further afield, such as Europe and South Asia.
Iraq, Iran, Turkey, and Syria, have all openly committed to campaigns of forced population transfers, where densely Kurdish populated areas are replaced with Arabs/ Turks and or Iranians. Significantly, in 1963 the Ba’ath Party in Iraq organised a campaign to build an ‘Arab Belt’ between Iraq and Syria.
The aim was twofold; one part was to destroyland which the party considered a strategic liability. The second part was to supress the potential rebellion, by forcing the agriculturally dependent Kurdish communities out, through environmental change, which gradually degraded the environment causing it to become arid.
This involved redirecting water from the Euphrates River via strategically placed dams. Later, Turkey and Syria began to participate in similar campaigns of ecocide.
However, Iran’s campaign does not rely on the Euphrates River, instead, it depends on an estimated 1 million deep and shallow wells; many of which are illegal with no regulations. The water then graduates downwards from the mountains,through vertical shafts and delivers it to the surface via gravity; the water is then distributed through a series of deliberately placed dams.
The impact of these dams in Iran has been significant and negative; they have produced extensive shrinkage in water bodies and reductions in downstream access to water. Only a few decades ago Iran had one of the greenest lands in the Middle East.Now, the largest natural lake in the Middle East and the third largest in the world, Lake Urmia, has shrunk by 70% in only 5 years.
Dr. Mansoor Sohrabi’s most recent research showed that, the natural wetlands of Zarebar are being damaged by excessive use of Pesticides, which increases the volume of toxic algae blooms that causeeutrophication in the water.This in turn releases excessive amounts of carbon dioxide. This changes the P-h level of the water increasing its acidity, causing the marine life to perish and the lake to dry out.
As the environment degrades and the water crisis escalates, people have begun to Protest against the government.Inthe Khuzestan Region there have been daily protests, described as the ‘Uprising of the Thirsty’. The protests started on 15 July in Khuzestan in response to the water crisis, but they quickly spread to other provinces and turned political.
Protesters in many cities are calling for the end of the current regime. It appears to have become a uniting factor for groups who normally sit on opposite sides.
In Khuzestan, Hamedan, Khorramshahr the majority of the water is redirected from Kurdish majority regions towardsBasra, Iraq. The Iranian Regimehopes that providing Iraq with water, will help them make political advances in Iraq. Ali Farsani, an official at the governor’s office of Khorramshahr,declared 105,000 litres of water is redirected daily.
The rest of the water harvested from those regions is allocated to Central Iran,through a priority permit system. Commercial users are given priority to water access, followed by industry, then Urban areas such as Tehran. Final consideration is given to agriculture and rural residential areas, leaving little water for downstream irrigators and food producers in times of drought.
Throughout 2008 and 2009, Iran experienced severe drought, which led to the evacuation of 50 villages in Kerman province due to water shortages.
DR. Ismail Kahrom has highlighted that 80% of Kurdish civilians, including those in Sistan, Baluchistan, Khuzestanhave been driven out of their villages. Soil erosion caused by explosives and chemicals used in mineral and energy excavation has eroded the soil and made the villages uninhabitable. Internal displacement will rise in the coming decades, as prolonged drought conditions, increased water shortages and climate change devastate the environment.
The displaced are numbered in the region of 22 million, without their livelihood, these agricultural workers find themselves without employment and many turn to Kolbari to survive.
This involves transporting incredibly heavy imports on their back, between the mountain ranges bordering Iran, Turkey, and Iraq; often weighing 80 kilos.
The Kurdish Human Rights Organisation has data which suggests that the IRGC killed 52 and 147 were injured in 2020.
Worsening the environmental disaster facing the Kurds, the Iranian government has begun a campaign to destroy the vast hectares of forests in the mountains.
Between May and June 2019, the forests in the Zagros mountains faced raging fires, but the government did not attempt to put them out and it was left to local Kurdish civilians, with very limited resources to put them out. The volunteers have been seen putting out fires using fabric, leaf blowers, and pouring ash into tree trunks to prevent the spread.
The head of the Department of Environment in Iran’s parliament, Issa Kalantari, claimed that only 990 hectares of forest in the Zagros region were affected by wildfires last month. Declaring “We should not exaggerate, as though the whole country were burning”.However, Nasa Satellite images showed that 9,500 hectares of forest had been burned.
On the 27th of August 2021, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards shelled the protected Shaho Mountains and prevented volunteers from attending to the fires, this caused the villages of Deyvaznav and Palangan in Kamyaran to burn for days.
A government official admitted this was an act committed to “prevent the Kurdish opposition parties from using vegetation cover to attack.”
This year, In Marivan, there have been 258 forest fires with an estimated 2000 hectares of damage, the Zaribar wetlands burned for two weeks with only civilian volunteers trying to put them out. On the other hand, they sent a firefighting plane and two helicopters to aid Turkey’s forest fires.
Information on the true extent of damage to the environment is rare, partly because the government alters the figures. However, it is also because over the last 10 years the government has been pursuing environmental activists and detaining them without any legal explanation, and often holds them in prisons for months at a time without trial. In the last few months, the number of environmental activists who have been detained has increased to-As of March 2021, 79 environmental activists have been detained. Considering Ebrahim Raisi’s record of Crimes Against Humanity, that number is set to rise under his presidency.
Appointing hardliner Ebrahim Raisi to the position of presidency has indicated thatIran is considering its options for the succession to supreme leader. Throughout his political career, Raisi has been linked to mass executions and other Crimes Against Humanity.
In his previous role as a member of the ‘Death Committee’ in 1988, he oversaw the disappearance and murders of between 5,000 to 30,000 thousandpolitical dissidents.The Forced Disappearances acts as a punishment for the families who live with the torment of not knowing what has happened to their loved ones.
During the period which he was Head of the Judiciary and Chief of Justice in 2014-2020,he oversaw thousands of arbitrary detentions, including political dissidents, journalists, peaceful protesters, human rights defenders, and members of ethnic and religious minorities and has systematically conducted unfair trials.
According to multiple reports by the UN Human Rights Council, under his tenure there have been approximately 3,400 executions. These do not include the thousands who Forcibly Disappear, or those killed during demonstrations, such as the demonstrations in 2019 where 1,500 people were killed in one weekend.
The Iranian Government’s reach extends abroad, the Abdorrahman Boroumand Centre for Human Rights (ABC), has identified more than 540 Iranians,of which 350 were Kurds, who have been assassinated or kidnaped by Iran. Most recently, Iran’s third Diplomat Asadullah Asadi, was sentenced by a Belgian Court to twenty years, for his part in a plot to detonate explosives at a rally against the Regime.
Although, this should be applauded as a step in the right direction, the reality is that Asadi is a drop in the ocean. A more realistic solution would be supporting the Kurdish opposition in a legal and political setting.
The sanctions on Iran are not sufficient in themselves, particularly given the contradictory and weak political backing.For example,in April this year Iran was elected to the UN Commission on the Status of Women’s Rights.
As it stands without concrete political backing, the sanctions on their own have a significant proxy effect on the Kurds, who represent the most avid opposition and the only real democratic opposition to the many autocrats.
Yet the Kurds face limited political leverage, in contrast to the Iranian Regime, the Kurds have never been linked to acts of terror, and only use military aggression as a defence when the Kurdish population are faced with genocide.
The support is minimal and often weak, international communities label our parties as terrorists, in a bid to appease when they make negotiations with Dictators.This must be stopped, so real change can occur. One such party is the PKK, with progressive democratic views and a reliable opposition, which can truly challenge the autocracy. Although this makes them a viable ally, they must be removed from the list of Foreign Terrorists Organisations in order to truly participate in advancing political dialogue.
The Kurdish Struggle for self determination and democracy cannot continue with one arm behind its back, Kurdish parties must be allowed to present a united face, to define and articulate itself, especially if they are to continue being solution for democracy and a formidable force against the Iranian Regime.
Thank you.
Hevall Mehri

“My name is Sonia Karimi, and I am a representative for KJAR (Community of Free Women in Rojhelat) we represent all the women in Eastern Kurdistan and work towards improving their Human Rights, on Sunday I gave a speech at The Labour Party’s annual Brighton Conference. For KJAR, it is one of a few extremely helpful events which we attend. Of course, the speech is important as we can highlight what our current campaigns are, and the current issues and affairs in Eastern Kurdistan. However, networking with other charities, groups and organisations at these events is equally important. For women’s organisations and particularly for KJAR, it is crucial to always remain active and maintain networking. It means that people will continuously remember who we are and what we represent, we will remain at the forefront of discussion for as long as we maintain a “seen and heard” presence. Therefore, it is extremely important for more events like these, and more parties should aim to emulate the diversity seen at the Labour Conference.”
Hevall Aso
Good morning, I would like to start by thanking you for inviting me here today, it gives me great joy to see Women actively participating in politics and working in government.
I am a representative of KJAR, which is the East Kurdistan Women’s association at KJAR we believe that a truly free and democratic society is impossible without the emancipation of women.Women must have, the autonomy and equal opportunities to participate and be represented in society, politics, and the law. Eastern Kurdistan is ruled and oppressed by Islamic Republic of Iran and crucially, we do not believe that we should wait for Iran’s dictatorship to fall, in order to protectwomen and secure their rights.Consequently, networking with women’s rights organisations in the Middle East and the wider international community, forms a significant part of our work. There are also various campaigns to raise awareness and encourage change, on a national and international scale. Current campaigns focus on social issues such as childbrides, forced marriages and domestic abuse. At the same time, we campaign in political areas such as activists who have been detained by the government and have had their human rights violated.
Exploring the archaic laws imposed on females in The Islamic Republic of Iran’s society, highlights the deep injustices and extreme acts of cruelty women face. According to Section 1014 of the Iranian Civil Code, which is based on sharia Law.The Legal age at which a female can marry under the Islamic Regime is 13. She can also be younger provided parental consentis obtained and a Judge authorises it. In addition, Government Supported banks are offering financial incentives to marry, in a nation suffering extreme economic hardship, these marriage loans can be linked to the large spike in marriages with the loans often covering $23,000. The Centre for Human Rights in Iran, recently published data which shows the impact of these loans. In 2018 prior to the mass roll out of these loans, the number of girls between the ages of 13 and 15 who received marriage loans was 51. Yet, a year later in 2019, parallel with the increase in these loans, with the increased availability of these loans, the number of loan recipients rose to 3,432 girls under the age of 15. The year 2020, concluded with 19,500 10–14-year-olds applying for these loans.
the civil law also dictates that non-Islamic marriages cannot be recognised, which is discriminatory predominantly against the Kurdish population who follow a diverse variety of religions and beliefs. Strict social codes, in the name of tradition and religion, are used to deny women and to a greater extent, Kurdish women their rights. Women who report rape face being locked up and accused of having committed crimes of Zena, the equivalent of soliciting sexual services and/ or committing adultery. In the rare cases in which alleged perpetrators of rape are prosecuted, they are often acquitted or given disproportionately lenient sentences that fail to reflect the gravity of the crime. This is in contrast, to how women are subjected to the law, in June 2006, Shamamah Ghorbani was accused of adultery and sentenced to death by stoning later reduced to 100 lashes.Hengaw Organisation reports that between March 2020 and March 2021, 29 women have been killed in instances of honour-based murder or family disputes.
In response to these acts of violence and discrimination against women, KJAR launched its “Child Marriage is Femicide” campaign. This campaign will focus on networking with various women’s rights organisations, raise awareness internationally. We will also endeavour to increase the pressure on the Iranian Regime to change, through a cohesive and practical strategy.
Although Kurdish political activists and women’s rights activists, face many challenges and barriers in their work. the Eastern Kurdish population is frequently subject to institutionalised racism within the regime, in 1979 the ayatollah Khomeini declared Jihad and issued a Fatwa religious edict against the Kurds. Reflecting this, the Regime’s Constitution states that the official language and script of the Regime is Persian, and that official documents and textbooks must be in this language, although it does not explicitly ban Kurdish. Yet, a number of teachershave been detained or faced the death penalty for promoting Kurdish Language and Culture.Most recently Zara Mohammedi was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment as the Regime, perceived her classes to be a ‘National Security Offence’. Compounding this, over the years many thousands of Kurdish Activists have been detained, tortured, forcibly disappeared, and sentenced to death.Analysing the data from Hengaw Organisation, this year, approximately 414 Kurdish political activists have been detained of those at least 43 are female activists, facing an uncertain and terrifying future.
In spring 2008, Shirin Alam Hooli was detained and taken to the head quarters of the IRGC, there she was subject to physical and psychological torture for 25 days, while the guards shouted commands and demanded answers all in Farsi. Shirin could not understand nor speak Farsi.
She spent 21 months in the notorious Evin prison, in one letter home she describes the confusion she felt as she was interrogated, tried, and convicted without once understanding the proceedings. In another letter she explained how one interrogator kicked her so hard in the stomach, she immediately threw up blood. Shirin Alam Hooli, was sentenced to death and executed on May the 9th 2010, without her family or lawyers being informed. Her body was not returned to her family, and the UN recognised it as a case of enforced disappearance.
In another case human rights activist, Zaynab Jalalian highlights the inhuman conditions and various Human Rights Violations committed by the Regime. Ms Jalalian was arrested in February 2008 and subjected to three months of intense psychological torture and severe beatings. In December she was sentenced to death for “Taking up arms against the Islamic Republic of Iran”, in 2010 this was reduced to life imprisonment after a series of appeals and campaigns. She has since been denied vital medicine and medical care and is gradually losing her eyesight, the poor hygiene in the prisons has led to her contracting Corona Virus alongside various gastrointestinal diseases. Furthermore, her lawyer, Amir Salar Davoodi, has also been detained and sentenced to 111 lashes and 30 years in prison.
With thousands of cases like this, it is understandable thatdespite having an engaged, well informed and educated number of women who fervently want to participate and be heard, these women areweary and rightly so. The environment that we are campaigning in, is increasingly precarious,our activists are neither safe in Iran nor are they safe abroad, we face a hostile and increasingly powerful dictatorship with many likeminded allies in the region. Meanwhile, internationally we find that inter-governmental organisations and politicians, fall short of their promise to uphold human rights and promote international security and often the language and discourse is contradicted by their actions.
The issue of the Taliban and their invasion of Kabul has rightly, led to many nations refusing to recognise Taliban rule…so far.On the other hand, the international position on Iran is contradictory to that stance against Nations who pose a threat to international security and have committed war crimes.Iran poses a volatile security threat to the International Community, which has been recognised in the form of a range of Embargos and Sanction: relating to their Uranium Enrichment Programme. Yet, the United Nations made the remarkable decision, during a plenary meeting in April, to elect Iran to the Commission for The Status of Women. In this role, Iran has a legitimised seat in an institution that is supposed to promote gender equality and empowerment of women. It is and egregious affront, to all women and particularly,to all those who have sacrificed their lives and the security of their families lives, fighting for their rights in Iran.
On a far greater scale, during the early days of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration in Rojava. Having proven themselves to be reliable allies to the west and sacrificed over 20,000 of their own military in the fight to defeat ISIS. After this they immediately created a small but significant space in the Middle East, where women and men shared roles in a social, political, and legal setting. However,a small group of American personnel remained, their presence alone deterred the Turkish invasion. Small Contingent of Americans abandoned the post and crucially, all the women who had built Afrin, a small village bordering with Turkey.
This gave Turkey the confidence to invade labelling the Women’s military unit a terrorist organisation and proceeding to brutally kill hundreds of women in the military, desecrating and mutilating their bodies in the process. A short while later the military and political support then pulled out of another village, Sari Kani. Again, Turkey felt emboldened and invaded, this time they took a female civilian hostage, Cicek Kobani, they then proceeded to capture,brutalise, and kill the Female Secretary General for the administration Hevrin Khalaf.
These events are significant for women of East Kurdistan and Iran, on the one hand, the United Nations calls for women to fight for their rights. It encourages women to believe that: should they take the enormous risk and expose themselves as committing sedition against a dictatorship, the international community is there to support them. On the other hand, it shows how quickly they are willing to abandon women and undermine their efforts, by offering Iran an influential seat at the Commission For the Status of Women.
Bibliography of References:
KJAR Femicide Campaign:
The Centre for Human Rights in Iran: Marriage LoansUN not supporting Afghan Emirates:
UN Reports:
UN Timeline of Iran:
UN plenary hearing iran voted to commission for status of women:
Hengaw Organisation:
Shirin Alam Hooli and Zaynab Jalalian: Amnesty international reports

Hevall Zerdesht
The Future of Iranian Kurdistan:
Firstly, we will briefly explore the past four decades of the Islamic Republic’s rule; an oppressive religious system that is moving away from human values, democracy and peace in the region and the international sphere year by year. Despite all the pressures from inside and outside to change its policies, the government is not willing to reform its political and social structure. Not only did the sanctions fail to bring the Islamic Republic to the negotiating table, it bought extreme economic hardship to the people. To compensate for its economic shortfalls, the Islamic Republic has partially funded damaging operations in Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria. They are increasing the shipment of narcotics to European and South Asian countries through the Iraqi and Afghan air fleets. Disguising them as general goods and using the international trade and commerce route from Turkey.
During the 42 years the Islamic Regime has ruled, the status of women’s autonomy, and the rights of the oppressed civilians have diminished day by day. Extensive mismanagement, the implementation of corrupt policies, and the promotion of state terrorism inside and outside of Iran has led to profound social, political, economic and environmental crises. Rising poverty, unemployment, corruption, water scarcity, increased arrests of civil and political activists, executions and torture. Combined with a prolific narcotic abuse, and international distrust due to opaque nuclear policies, are examples of some of the crises the Region faces.
However, what is important is that the Iranian citizens have changed their views and activities towards the integrity of the system in the last ten years. During the many protests of the past few years, particularly in the Kurdish, Baluch, Arab and Persian regions, people did not remain silent, and managed to find common ground to support each other in a unique way.
Previously, people were reluctant to protest in the streets irrespective of the problem and disputes the society faced. However, in the past few years, the people have called for the overthrow of the system and the transformation of all its structures and the departure of the heads of state. With the current situation of the Islamic Republic, it is not able to solve the existing crises or commit to any reforms.
For these reasons, we will see an increase in nationwide protests in the near future. The Islamic Republic has made the necessary preparations to deal with these protests with two possible eventualities. First, their experience of the Syrian civil war, has led to Iran seeking allied agreements with other Islamic Extremists; such as the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Salafists, and the Iranian Islamic Brotherhood. The understanding between them, isthat if there is an uprising in Iran, these groups can act against the people in their areas. The agreement of the Islamic Republic of Iran with extremist group such as Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists in East Kurdistan are interfering in the internal affairs of the people more than ever. In the Arab regions, Iraqi popular mobilization forces, in central Iran, Hezbollah forces, and in the Baluch areas, Taliban-affiliated forces have been reorganized. In the last few months, the Salafists have been known to harass women for dressing incorrectly, according to Sharia law.
Secondly, the new government’s cabinet is led by a person who was responsible for the mass execution of thousands of prisoners and civilians in Iran between 1988 and 1992. This government should be met with more radical internal and external protests than in the past. In addition to the fact that there is no woman in the main cabinet, the current number of women in parliament is lower than in the past.
The current situation in Iran is tense, the cabinet is being ruled with an iron fist and only those with complete loyalty to the Iranian leader Khamenei have retained their position. In a new move, Ebrahim Raisi has begun to increase the pressure on the Iraqi government, to demand the expulsion of Kurdish opposition forces in northern Iraq. The Revolutionary Quds have attacked with drones and artillery several times in the past month, attacking the Kurdish opposition parties based in Iraqi Kurdistan.
An air strike on Erbil airport could turn Iraqi Kurdistan into a proxy battlefield between Turkey and Iran. Because of the great interests of the world’s powerful governments, including the United Kingdom. The United States, France, Russia, Germany, and more recently China, The relations and events of the Middle East are evolving daily. There is no fixed understanding on how this will end, For example, the Taliban in Afghanistan, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Huthi in Yemen, the Islamic Brotherhood in Turkey and ISIS in both Iraq and Syria, are increasing their hegemonic power. Overall, the political might of China and Russia has increased due to military and economic support of the Dictatorships in both Iran and the entire region.
Over the last 40-30 years, jihadist movements have been more active and mobilizing than ethnic and nationalist movements. In the Middle East, jihadist movements have replaced nationalist and democratic movements. The withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan somehow increases Iran’s motivation for military intervention in Iraq and Syria.
Iran and Turkey, under the pretext of seeking their opponents in the Iraqi part of Kurdistan, are seeking to return to their political borders after the Lausanne Agreement. If we look at the history of the Iranian struggle during the Islamic Republic’s Regime, the Kurdish regions has always been the base of the armed struggle against the Dictatorships, including Iran’s regime. On the other hand, the society of East Kurdistan is a secular and active society which supports democracy.
The Islamic Republic has always planned to attack the Kurdish people in order to intimidate, the Iranian movements and the Iranian citizens. Meanwhile, the presence of Quds Force and intelligence organizations in Iraqi Kurdistan alongside the position of the forces of East Kurdistan, in that part has always faced serious threats. Particularly, in the last year, several members of PJAK, the Democratic Party of Kurdistan Iran, and political and human rights activists were assassinated in that area.
Contrary to the policy of centralism, PJAK wants to divide power among the people by relying on the system of self-government and the formation of local, rural and urban councils. The administration will aim to emphasise the role of women in society, within in all areas including political and military independence.
Furthermore, they will place equal importance on environmental protection, coexistence of nations through the system of democratic confederate. Unlike other parties in East Kurdistan, PJAK does not believe that the nation-state system, which emphasizes a language, a flag, a religion and a central system of government will work for the Kurds. Predominantly, because the Kurdish people are a remarkably diverse group of people, the people speak seven dialects, with a diverse range of religions and beliefs. It wants a self-governing system that preserves all human beliefs, identities and values. Emphasis on an equal, free and democratic society and advocacy are among PJAK’s many policies.
From the explanations we have given, it must be said that the future of East Kurdistan depends on the outcome of other parts of Kurdistan. Perhaps the Lausanne Agreement in the last hundred years managed to create political borders between the Kurdish lands. But the unity of the Kurds in the face of the aggression from the governments of Iran, Turkey and ISIS reflects the fact that the Kurds are united in the face of adversity under one land and one nation.
As the Lausanne 100-year-old agreement nears, in 2023, the risk of genocide and cultural assimilation of the Kurds will double in the next few years. To avoid returning to the borders of the past hundred years, Iran and Turkey will spare no effort to suppress the Kurds, especially in Sinjar and the Autonomous Administration of Rojava. Unfortunately, the world powers have played a negative role in this regard. What is more important in the foreign policy of these powers is the economic issue. It can be clearly said that in the Middle East, the Kurds are truly a secular nation and respects all movements and beliefs.
Thank you.

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