Tag: news

  • Şerîf Bacûr started a hunger strike and biking 660km to protest against violence

    The reports from East of Kurdistan (Rojhelat) stated that in the morning of September 11, 2017, Şerîf Bacûr (Sharif Bajoor), a civil and environmental activist started a hunger strike and riding bike from Merîwan (a town in Rojhelat) to Tehran (capital city of Iran). This civil activist has started his activity with the slogan of…

  • NGO representatives in Mehabad called for a general strike in the city

    NGO representatives in Mehabad called for a general strike in the city tomorrow in a written statement. The demonstrations that started after the murder of two kolbers in Rojhelat’s (Eastern Kurdistan) Bane city continue. NGO representatives in Mehabad issued a written statement and called for a general strike in the city tomorrow. The written statement…

  • Iranian regime mercenaries attacked people in demonstration in Mehabad

    Iranian regime mercenaries attacked a demonstration held at Çarçira Square in Rojhelat’s Mehabad city in solidarity with the people of Bane who took to the streets in protest at the increasingly ongoing killing of kolbers (border porters). Thousands took to the streets across Rojhelat during recent days in protest at the murder of kolbers Heyder…

  • KNK organizes Rojhelat workshop in Stockholm

    The first workshop for the KNK-organized series of Kurdish National Unity Conference, the Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) workshop will be held in Stockholm on September 16-17. In the workshop held in Silêmanî, Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) had decided to hold workshops in 4 parts of Kurdistan and in Europe, efforts for which have kicked off. The…

  • Protest in Sine in solidarity with Bane uprising

    Following the protest of Sine citizens to the killing of Kurdish kolbers, there is a high security alert in Sine city due to the presence of numerous Riot Police. Moreover, the internet connection has been completely interrupted throughout the city since yesterday. The Iranian Riot police attacked Protestors who had gathered in Sine today in…

  • Kurdish cities in Iran militarised after demonstrations

    In the past days, following the strike and protest of Bane citizens to the killing of two Kurdish kolbers, there is high security alert in Bane city due to the presence of numerous anti-riot forces. Moreover, a number of political and civil activists have gone on a 3-day hunger strike in protest to continuous killing…

  • KHRN: A number of protestors wounded and arrested in Bane

    The Iranian Anti-Riot Forces attacked Protestors who had gathered around the governor’s office in Bane. During this attack, five Protestors have been injured and four others have been arrested so far. “Following a massive strike in Bane, hundreds of people gathered around the governor’s office while calling for dismissal of the governor and putting a…

  • Rising anger in Rojhelat against the Iranian regime

    Protest demonstrations continue for the fourth day across Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) following the killing of Kurdish kolbers Heyder Ferecî (21) and Qadir Behramî (41) by Iranian regime forces in Bane on September 4. As demonstrations continue in Bane and Sine, political activists in Kirmaşan have called for action for today, and people have been called…

  • Two Iranian forces killed in Bane

    Mass protests today in Rojhelat (East Kurdistan) cities followed the killing of two kolbers, Qadir Behrami (41) and Heyder Fereci (21) in Bane yesterday. Thousands gathered in front of Iranian government buildings and military garrisons in various cities in Rojhelat. (ANF reported) The East Kurdistan Democratic and Free Society (KODAR) called for continuous action against…

  • UPDATED: Kurds staged mass protests in Rojhelat cities after killing of two kolbers

    Kurds staged mass protests in Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan) cities after killing of two Kurdish kolbers by Iranian soldiers in Bane yesterday. Kurdish residents of Bane, Merîwan and various Kurdish cities protested the killing of two Kurdish kolbers by Iranian soldiers in Bane. Soldiers in Iranian army garrison in Bane opened fire and killed Kurdish kolbers…

  • Gulan Fehîm: Women have common problems, must have a common struggle as well

    Free Women Society of Eastern Kurdistan (KJAR) Executive Council Member Gulan Fehîm spoke to ANF about the problems women are dealing with in Iran and Eastern Kurdistan. Fehîm pointed out that the Iranian state is waging an ideological war against women and stressed that Iran deems any probable change in regard to women’s rights an…

  • Amnesty International launches campaign for Zeyneb Celaliyan

    Amnesty International launched a campaign demanding urgent medical care for Kurdish woman Zeynab Jalalian (in Kurdish: Zeyneb Celaliyan) who is serving a life sentence, is severely ill and requires specialized medical care outside prison. Iranian Kurdish woman Zeynab Jalalian, serving a life sentence, is severely ill and requires specialized medical care outside prison. However, the…

  • Rojhelat youth protest Öcalan’s isolation on Mount Damavand

    A group of youths from East Kurdistan climbed up Mount Damavand in Tehran, one of the highest mountains in Iran, and condemned the isolation imposed on Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan by the Turkish state. Unfurling images of Öcalan and flags of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), the youths read out a…

  • KHRN: Kurdish juvenile Kolber was shot dead by Iranian border guards

    Iranian border guards shot dead a Kurdish juvenile Kolber in Yarim Ghie Alia Village of Maku. On Monday, August 21, an 17-year-old Kurdish Kolber “Vahid Dolatkhah Jankanloo” was shot dead by Bazargan border guards in Yarimthe Yarim Ghie Alia Village of Maku while carrying several cartons of cigarettes. He was targeted from a very close…

  • The hunger strike of political prisoners in Rajai Shahr prison

    According to a report from the Kurdistan Human Rights Association (KMMK), a number of political prisoners have been arrested in Rajai Shahr prison in Karaj in order to declare dissatisfaction with the physical and psychological violence of the agents inside the prison and, as a result of being transferred from one clause to another, 19…

  • Maneuver of the IRGC led to a massive fire in Şaho mountains

    Islamic Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) bombarded a large area of Şaho mountain to oppose the Kurdish parties’ forces over the past few days. It took environmental activists and local people several days to put off the fire caused by bombardment as their efforts were blocked by the massive number of IRGC’s present in the area. According…

  • Duran Kalkan: Free Kurdistan will be achieved with the guerrilla

    Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Executive Committee Member Duran Kalkan participated in a special program of News Channel TV evaluating the historic August 15 initiative. Kalkan stated that since the August 15 until today everything has been re-created in Kurdistan, and that the August 15 initiative brought into being a new beautiful and meaningful reality in…

  • KCK: August 15 created revolutions within a revolution

    Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council co-presidency has issued a written statement to celebrate the 33rd anniversary of the August 15 Initiative. The KCK statement read: “In the person of the great commander Egîd who carried out the guerrilla maneuver of August 15 that revived the Kurdish people on the brink of destruction and created…

  • Turkey begins building ‘security’ wall with Iranian Kurdistan

    Turkey has begun building a “security wall” along part of its border with Iranian Kurdistan (Rojhelat), regional officials said Tuesday, in a move aimed at stopping Kurdish guerillas. Pictures showing huge concrete blocks being moved into place were published on the governor’s website for Agri province in Turkish Kurdistan (Bakur). Turkish authorities announced construction of…

  • Another kolber killed by Iranian regime forces, KHRN reports

    According to the Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN), the Iranian border guards opened fire on the car of Kurdish border trader by the name of Mihemed Bekir Qeytûlî near the village of Kanî Danyal in Selasê Bawecanî on August 7. The man got seriously injured as result of the attack, after which he was hospitalized…